Saturday, May 1, 2010


*For my family, and for whoever is interested enough in my sons life to watch ALL these videos*

Noa is learning and growing so much everyday, it is so fun to watch him develop new skills and do weird/cute baby things....
Lately, he's been sticking his tongue out a we taught him to copy us - we would stick our tongues out, and he'd do the same... it's so cute!

The second trick, or skill, he is trying to master is -----
standing on his own. {this is not the best video of it, but he only does it really good when no one is watching...}

This morning I looked over and he was practicing letting go all by himself (everytime he let go, he stood on his own for a good 5-10 seconds)...i wish i could have recorded it, but once i got my camera out, he was done for the this is the best i can do for now...

At the park the other day - asleep on the swing...

He must have liked it, because he was OUT.

He must have been hungry - I have never seen him suck on his toes as much as he does here!

The sounds that he makes (his vocab) have now expanded to - "ma" "da" "pa" "na" "ya" "nya" "pff" "ah".....and he mixes the different sounds up, instead of just the same sound over and over like he used to. exciting, right?
His sounds also includes.....

He would randomly do this, or he would do it copying us, after we start clicking/clucking our tongues. This might be my favorite trick he's picked up recently.

I love this age! He is so alert and aware of his surroundings and his body...because of this, I have actually started to sign with him and to teach him 3 basic baby signs that are useful to know and use- milk - eat - more -
Although he can't produce the signs himself, I'm noticing that he is starting to understand that the signs correlate with certain actions. I can't wait for him to start doing the signs himself! It definitely requires patience and effort/not giving up on my part.

It's so fun to watch him learn and grow!

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