Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Years Discovery

On January 1st 2010, while in Michigan visiting my family, we made a little discovery...Noa is TEETHING! My little brother pointed out a white speck on Noa's lower gums...thinking it was a piece of spit-up or lint, I reach in to get it, and it was actually a tooth! I was so shocked, since Noa is only 4 months (plus a week or so). It was an exciting moment, but also a little frightening for the 8 long breastfeeding months to come... :/

His two wittle teeth are now growing and showing a lot more since New Years day. He has chomped down on me a couple of times but nothing too bad yet...thank goodness...I'm just crossing my fingers that it will stay this way.

It really is the cutest thing when he smiles though :D


  1. Wow, teething already! He's so adorable Megumi. Seriously, cutest little boy. Good luck with the teeth--you're a brave woman to persevere =)

  2. wow.... that's so crazy he's already teething! Good luck... teeth + breastfeeding cannot = a good time... but hopefully he'll show you mercy. :)

  3. Oh wow, Noa is getting sooo big. But he might be better then Olivia, he might not bite you while nursing(maybe once!).
