Friday, July 31, 2009

Prego update - 37 WEEKS!!

I just had my 37-week appointment yesterday. We got lucky and got another ultrasound! This one wasnt as fun as the 20wk ultrasound because the baby is so big now and he's in his final head-down position. We didnt get any good pictures for that reason BUT they were able to tell me that the baby is growing according to whats considered "normal" and that he is APPROXIMATELY 6 1/2 pounds!!! Thats almost how much I weighed when I was BORN! The doctor said that he'll probably grow another 100+grams each week from now till he's born. I was VERY excited to hear that everything looked normal and the baby is healthy and growing because MY overall weight hasnt been going up too much the last few weeks and everyone that hears how far along I am freaks out at how SMALL I am! It was just reassuring to say the least...

Ill keep updating my baby-status so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Gumi. Good luck witth everything.. very soon that boy will be here and i cant wait to see his pictures... I will stay tuned!
