Monday, August 2, 2010

Good (?) sleeper

Just last week, Chad and I decided that it was time for Noa to start sleeping on his own...
it was a hard, but necessary decision, especially now that he is coming down on his one-year mark.
Ever since he has been off of the pacifier (like 5-month-ish), Noa has been needing to nurse to go to sleep for the night....and that means, when momma's tired, we both just fall asleep on the bed together....and that has been going on waaaay too long! 

So...the very first night that we left him in his crib {the hardest thing ever!}, he lasted 25 minutes! ~ which felt a lot longer...but nonetheless, he was able to fall asleep, and WE were also able to last the whole 25 minutes, not going in the room to comfort him and rock him back to sleep. {i'm so proud of us!}

Last night was both amazing and sad...AMAZING because he only screamed for 5 minutes {YAY!}, but SAD because this is how we found him 10 minutes later....

Poor little guy, he must have been so tired!!! - I felt so bad and so cruel for letting him fall asleep like this....I just think of how tired he must have been to be able to fall asleep in this position - it makes me hurt a little inside....

Anyway...I hope that we can keep improving from now on...{keeping our fingers crossed!}
and hope that he will have an easier time falling asleep tonight!


  1. LOL that definitely looks like it'd give him a crick in the neck! But that's awesome that you're starting to train him to go to bed on his own now. I'm sure that will be so nice for you guys!

  2. Sounds heartless...but, he'll learn. It took Dane probably three nights and then he understood what he was supposed to do. Hang in there- its tough to listen to these sweet babies cry but it works. Just think of the quiet nights you will get to enjoy...very soooooon!!!
