Sunday, April 1, 2012

story of my life.

I seriously have so many things on my plate right now its not even funny...really, not laughing here. There are so many things I want to post about, so many projects that keep getting pushed back, numerous endless photo shoots to prepare for AND edit...all on top of being a full time cook, maid, MOM - and all that joys that come with it.


Despite it all, I feel pretty good, especially after hearing all the uplifting things during Conference. I feel like I can take on the world right about now....haha...well, its just a figure of speech, really...   I just have to remind myself :::: I don't have to be perfect, I just have to aspire and work towards it. I don't have to get 100% of my to-do list checked off. Not even 50%. there is always tomorrow....most of those things probably shouldn't have even made it on to the list anyway... Life is a journey and everyday is a learning experience. Try to learn something new everyday and work to improve something that I couldn't accomplish the day before. BREATHE. just stop. and take a deep breath, trust me, it works. And always, always put God and family first. Because at the end of the day, they matter most and will always be there for you, no matter what. I need a good reminder every now and then...I think everyone does. Today definitely was that...a good reminder.

 everything is OK.
 because. I Love you.
 and I will be there.
every step of the way.
laughing, smiling, and loving...

to the end of time.